October 2003

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:11 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
So just minutes ago I was driving home from Denny's and I was almost home when I saw the weirdest thing ever. I was almost home and off to the side of the road I was passing this field. And I saw all these weird lights coming from the field shining towards the street. It was a spotlight that was moving back and forth so I looked over towards it and I saw this huge monster thing running towards the street. It looked like big foot or something and it was all hairy but I only saw it for a second and kept driving. It was so fn scary, I wanted to turn back and look at it again but I was by myself so I just came home. OH man it was crazy.

We're playing a huge show on Friday and I'm sooo stoked for it, like everyone in the world is going to be there. Or maybe just Bellingham. But it's gonna be soo sweet. And then we're probably playing another show on Saturday with Shane's band.

Saturday, October 25, 2003 12:37 PM
Sweet song of the moment: Society's Finest - Knife Fight
Posted By: Tony Z
Society's Finest broke up and the singer is now the singer of Zao! I know you probably don't care but this is big news for me!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 12:20 AM
Sweet song of the moment: Thineu - Someone's Hand To Hold
Posted By: Tony Z
Yeah that's right, the cool song of the moment is my band. What can I say...
Tonight at work I had a bloody nose. It wasn't too bad though but either way it sucked.
I searched my room and the garage for my hat. In the garage I found a shirt that a huge spider made a web inside of. That sucked. And I still haven't found my hat. I'm pissed off about it too.
I need to get a lottery ticket today.
I love you bye.

Monday, October 20, 2003 1:28 PM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
Damn being sick, and damn the rain. But I have a plan...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:35 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
So, how are things? Things are swell. I feel a bit irritated. And the top of my head itches. I think I'm getting sick too.

Today some people pissed me off to the point where i wanted to punch the computer screen but I did the breathing trick.
Then I went to go renew my food handlers permit and oh boy that was cool. I missed 5 questions and you're allowed 6 but that's pretty good considering I didn't study at all.
After that Lauren and I ate thai food at the thai food place and it was weird. Then we met Ryan and hung out. When I went to work I wore normal jeans (haha, your cool if that sounds weird to you), a really tight mcdonalds shirt and i didnt have plugs in my ears. I looked ghetto as F.

I have this theory that we aren't even real. Us as people. And right now I want to write a poem about flowers...

Flowers are nice
I would eat them if I could.
But I'm not in the mood
And I bet they don't taste good.

But anyway, my band might play a show on Friday but probably not. And I still haven't found my hat and I'm a bit upset about it. Actually I'm really upset about it. I want my hat back and it really makes me sad that I don't have it more then anything else makes me sad.

So rumor has it that every girl that works at McDonalds has a crush on me. But I'm pretty sure that's not true.

I might get a tattoo tomorrow / I might not.

space., actual.
I wish I had a girl that could give me hints that I could pick up on and take her out to a nice dinner.

I have to clean my room sometime. I want 8 minute abs.
feel free.
Are these just random thoughts or do they mean something.
I'll tell you what they mean.
They mean that I love you.
And I'm generally not one to judge.
But some people are just fucking morons.
And this isn't a livejournal so fuck you if you think i'm like Isaac. I like Isaac anyway.

And I hate girls that hang out with you all the time and tell you they love you and stuff and then when you want to date them they don't date you for no good reason and tell you how they just don't want a boyfriend and all this mess when really it's just an excuse because they don't like you but for some reason they keep leading you on like they do like you. And they tell you that, oh if I did want a boyfriend then it would be you and when I do want a boyfriend you'll be the first to know. Then they stop hanging out with you all of a sudden and you don't talk to them for a long time. And then later you see the girl at the mall holding hands with her new boyfriend. Yeah I hate that, glad it never happened to me.

I think that I want to go back to college. I was filling up the mop bucket today at work and I was looking at all of the dry storage on the racks, you know, all the to-go bags and all the syrups and sandwich wraps. And I thought to myself, at that very moment, in that very place, was the last place I wanted to be in the whole world. I've come to the conclusion that I'm 19 years old, and I'm the hugest fucking loser in the world. And it doesn't really matter if you think I'm cool or what have you. I'm a loser and that's that. And what's worse is that there's nothing that I want to do.
I dont want to be an audio engineer.
I don't want to be a photographer
I don't want to be a video editor
I don't want to be a graphic designer
I don't want to be a web designer
and I don't want to work at McDonalds. And I don't want to be a bum on the side of the road.
i just want to kill myself.

fuck you

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 12:23 PM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
remember how beautiful those nights were when we were together. when we took that long drive to go look at the water, when we sat together and held hands but no one could see. well fuck those things i wish they had never happened.

Monday, October 6, 2003 1:36 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
It's time for me to go to sleep now, because I can no longer take the smell of last fall.

Monday, October 6, 2003 12:39 AM
Sweet song of the moment: Glassjaw - Majour
Posted By: Tony Z
I've been in a situation exactly like this before. And it's not cool.

But anyway... today sucked but yesterday was cool so i'll tell you a little about yesterday. grant was complaining that he didnt have a computer of his own. so i took him to best buy and he bought himself a computer. a nice one. then we went to a horse show and watched horses. then we set up the computer at his house.

Ryan and I hung out after that and we did some stuff. We scared people with masks, we tried to see a free movie but the movie theater was really busy. Then we went and got free pizza from this pizza place... We tried to see a free movie at a different theater but that didn't work either. My friend Ashley called and told us to come watch a band called Idiot Pilot play.

We happened across this wheel barrel type of thing on the side of the road and ryan jumped in it and rolled down the sidewalk. We got to the show just in time to watch the last song and then leave.

We checked out a Christian pop artist's show at Mt. Baker Theater but it was pretty much over even though we werent going to go in anyway. We stood around her tour busses and contemplated kicking her ass. But we didn't.

We then found ourselves at Ferndale McDonalds and made friends with some old ladies. Went to Denny's to eat and that's about the end of the story.

Saturday, October 4, 2003 12:03 AM
Sweet song of the moment: Black Flag - Gimme Gimme Gimme
Posted By: Tony Z
I always seem to fall for the wrong girls. And you girl, you're definately wrong.

My investigation on finding my hat seems to be progressing, I should be a PI. Or something...

I just want to play music all the time. Like, play shows ya know.

And do cool things. like, stuff.
Today McDonalds almost exploded but I wasn't there. And then we met a wino native named George and she had a bad attitude. I love you, person reading this.

I learned about stone therapy today. We went offroad driving and we saw some bands play in a college. Oh yeah we met Slavebang but it wasn't slavebang it was their new band.

Who wants a demo of my band? We don't have one but soon my friend, soon...

-Reverend Tonias

Thursday, October 2, 2003 2:18 PM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
I lost my hat and im' pissed off about it so if you find it please give it to me. also i have to leave for work like right now but i cant because my clothes are in the drier. i have a finger puppet and kasey is looking at a seattle home tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:52 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
My name is Tony Zapien and for the time being I am alive.