December 1969

Wednesday, December 31, 1969 3:00 PM
Sweet song of the moment: 1051519624,88627,
Posted By: Tony Z` i
well, i had a good weekend. on friday i dont remember what i did. crap.. i really don't remember hold on. Oh yeah, I was at Dustin's bonfire. Yeah that was fairly sweet. Actually I was thinking about it, and Dustin Sasken is probably one of the coolest guys I know. If you don't know him that sucks for you. And then on Saturday I went to the prom with Jackie Lee, that was fairly sweet as well. We went to Canada and ate art for dinner. It was freakin crazy. And then at the dance we freakin didn't dance that much but it was sweet. All in all I had a good weekend. I woke up on Saturday morning though deaf in my right ear and I still can't really hear out of it that well.

My sister is cool too and she now has her own online journal as well so go read hers if you get bored of mine or something.