November 2003

Sunday, November 30, 2003 3:51 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
I was just in the bathroom looking at my new tattoo in the mirror, and i was just thinking about how much fun i've had in the past few days, how much i appreciate the friends i have and how happy i am to be alive. man the past few days have been so fun, and it has all been topped off with the show we played tonight being the most fun of all. I don't even know why but it was so fun.

i still like ducks a lot

Monday, November 24, 2003 11:48 PM
Sweet song of the moment: Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence
Posted By: Tony Z
After I got out of my car just now, I looked into the sky at the stars, and then ran to the front door. Just like I have every night I get home from work, since this past February.
Since February every week has been the same for me. I do the same thing every day, and the same things every weekend.
It seems like nothing has changed, but everything is different.

Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:54 PM
Sweet song of the moment: Casualties - Punk Rock Love
Posted By: Tony Z
Me, Kasey, Ryan and Lauren were walking downtown Bellingham last night when we got a call from Shane asking if we wanted to play a show with his band. We said yeah and we left to pick up Grant and then go to the show. We brought Ryan to the show too. After being there for a while me and Ryan went outside where there was this really drunk guy standing out there smoking, and he started telling us all this crazy stuff and he told Ryan and I both to "Shut the fuck up and rock!" So we went back inside. Then after the first band was done playing it was our turn to setup. We were all the way setup and just about to tune and then play when we noticed Ryan had disappeared. Then all of a sudden this dude runs in and he's like "The cops are here!!!"

Little did we know that while we were setting up our stuff getting ready to play, Ryan had a run in with the drunk guy again and he pushed the guy off some stairs and killed him or something. And then like 5 cops showed up and an ambulance. So we didnt get to play. And now this dude wants to kill Ryan.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 1:46 AM
Sweet song of the moment:
Posted By: Tony Z
I think some beer cans flew into our yard from the neighbors garbage one the side of the road because it was so windy today. And my dad accused me of drinking and driving or something weird like that.

I have a bunch of bills I have to pay and that sucks. And also I want to move to seattle.

The internet is new...

Friday, November 7, 2003 1:42 AM
Sweet song of the moment: Black Flag - Gimme Gimme Gimme
Posted By: Tony Z
So I have been drinking only water for something like two months now or close to that. And today was a day just like any other. I went to work at 5, and I got my half hour break at 7:30. On my break I went over to the milkshake machine only to find that it was broken! So the only other option was clearly to get myself a 16 ounce cup of root beer. Boy was that a mistake. I drank the rootbeer, and I turned crazy. I had more energy then a muther. I couldn't even concentrate on things. I felt like I had adhd or something. Then on my first ten minute break, I drank some coke, and had even more energy. It was incane. Oh yeah. Weekend.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:30 AM
Sweet song of the moment: Crass - Nagasaki Nightmare
Posted By: Tony Z
Night time is my emotional peak. I have a big nose.
"I have the power"
and i seem to be a trend setter.

i like pictures.

and the girl at shari's, what more can i say.

Sunday, November 2, 2003 11:07 PM
Sweet song of the moment: Lower Class Brats - Who Writes Your Rules
Posted By: Tony Z
We played two shows this past weekend and they were so fun. The Halloween show we played Dead Fest in Deming. It was a fun show but it was about 0 degrees outside so that sucked.

On Saturday night we played a party with Shane's bands and that was a lot of fun. Probably the most fun show we've played in my opinion just because everyone was so into our music and enjoyed us playing. And a lot of weird things happened like Becki getting hit on and some other things... haha it was fun.